Your savings potential
Simply turn on the light and save up to 85% power for lighting + CO 2.
RentaLite pays off: Assuming you have more than 250 lamps in your company. And they operate more than 240 days a year – about 10 hours a day. Replace this conventional lighting with Premium Power LEDs from RentaLite, then save around 17,000 euros annually. Without investing even a penny for this costly change to our efficient saving flames (without installation costs).
After a short time, the conversion to state-of-the-art LED lighting technology has already paid for itself. After 6 years, all the savings go to your account.
Carefree electricity saving for years.
We offer our RentaLite model for terms of 6 to 10 years. During this period, we will provide replacement in the event of defective LEDs under our warranty and provide a warranty of up to 6 years for all our LEDs. This worry-free lighting technology is financed by the savings achieved. When purchasing our products we grant a warranty of 6 years.